Prof. Rasheed Gbenga Jimoh, FNCS, FICENT, SMIEEE, MCPN

Director, COMSIT

Director's Welcome Address


Welcoming you to the Computer Services and Information Technology (COMSIT) Directorate, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Unit of the University. The Directorate is responsible provisioning, supports and maintenance of all ICT-related services including green energy towards ensuring seamless operations and processes. The Directorate is structured into 21 distinct units headed by a qualifies ICT Professionals at the cadre of Deputy Director. The Units include: Administration and Operations; Software and Applications Development; Portal Services; Digital Innovations and ICT Ideation; Web Services; Mail Services and Help-Desk; Cybersecurity and Multimedia; Network Operations; ICT Training; IT Officers Coordination; Electronic Learning and Assessment; Software and Hardware Installation, Repair and Maintenance.

...Building a 21st Century University of Ilorin through Sustainable ICTs integration and Automations.


Provide a framework for digital infrastructure-provisioning, deployment, management/maintenance and recycling

Set consistent benchmarks and standards for ICT training for both staff and students

Provide a framework for the implementation of the campus wide security intelligence gathering

Develop framework for ICT support to foster innovative research and development